Saturday, November 24, 2007

Wonder Bar - Asbury Park, New Jersey

This is the famous Wonder Bar, which was located in Asbury Park, NJ. This is where Bruce Springsteen first saw Clarence Clemons play. Sadly, this place has been or will be torn down very soon to make way for condos near the beach. This bar has been at this location for 58 years.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Circus Drive-In

Just a quick note to say that I am back at work on this one, with no surgery needed for the hamstring! Thanks for all the kind thoughts from everyone.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Mansion Art

Hello again.
Sorry to clog up your inboxes, but I promised my good friend Seth that I would mention his auction site on my next blog post.
Seth set up my website a few years ago and has been hosting it ever since. He has been incredibly generous to me, refusing to take any money for all of his hard work on my behalf. Thanks so much Seth!! You are the best!! (do you know how to do hamstring surgery?! lol!)

Please check out his art auction site......

Back to the Percoset and Tylenol.......

Circus Drive-In

This is the famous Circus Drive-In restaurant located in Wall Township, New Jersey. I planned on starting a few new paintings while the Cyclone painting dries, but it looks as though I won't be painting for a couple of weeks. I tore my hamstring on Halloween night, and might need surgery to repair it. I can't sit at my easel without excruciating pain and I really can't paint these photo-realistic pieces standing up, so I guess I'm out of commission for a little while. I can't drive or ride my bicycle either, so I'm pretty well screwed.
I will try to get back to work on these paintings as soon as I am able. Ugh. Please wish me luck......
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